Does Rebecca come back during the South Carolina game? Has she told Garcia about your past relationship and how it ended? Has she told him that she desperately wants Woy back? Find out next time on Catching Controversy. LOL straight outta daytime soaps. Next few updates should be interesting.
My guess, Rebecca poisoned both Garcia and Mel, accidentally spilling some in Sidney Crosby's food, killing him off as well. Both Mel and Garcia end up in the hospital where they both end up kickin it, but not before Rebecca shows up and she and Woy have a cry and then, overcome with grief, Rebeccas seduction of Woy takes hold and they have the sexy time...only it turns out Melyssa wasnt dead, she was testing E and he failed her test. So, she shoots both Woy and Rebecca and runs away with her secret lover CP. Mel, however is so overcome by grief that she offs CP and herself as well as four random characters that get introduced to say one line before they die, or get mentioned offhand by a main character. Meanwhile, Evan's gunshot wound has turned him into an instant gangsta and he walks around strapped all the time. Someone tries to rob the Woy household and Evan, trying to save the day, accidentally kills everyone in the house, including Breann and E's baby as Breann adopted the child after Mel ran away and she was there console the family. Stricken with grief, Evan goes to Hooters to try and cheer up...only to run into Britt who is moping over losing Woy, Evan, pissed off after finding out what she did to his brother, offs Britt and then does himself in. The End
-By William Shakespeare