Everything Burns...
It's just the latest reason for the power players who dislike Punk to bury him. He's a heat magnet, for some of the dumbest shit ever.
-When he first arrived, before he even got there, he had heat because of his rep of being a good worker and a hot talent. HHH & HBK watched his first dark match, buried him, said he didnt know how to work, so he was he was sent to OVW for a year.
-He fucked a few Diva's, most notably Maria, so he got heat for that and had a push killed. Meanwhile, Batista has fucked every Diva and probably all of their sisters--some of which while he had a wife at home who had cancer (they later got divorced). Orton pours beer on Divas heads and shits in their bags like a 3 year old when they reject him--and the victimized Diva's get fired for it when they complain. Only "stars" are supposed to fuck the Diva's. Only in the WWE do you get heat for having a sex life.
guy, have you ever held a job in your life?
If you're on the boss' good side you get extra perks/privleges, if you're on his bad side you get called out for minor neglegences..
so yea..Cena Does Everything for WWE, makes every appearence and signing w/o complaint, that's why he's in his position
Punk is a great talent, but he knows where he stands with management. if he said what Metzler sad he did; then Punk knew he was going to the doghouse as soon as he opened his mouth..
you either play the game or you don't[ insert hunter reference here]