Hes worth a pick to me too, basically what im saying is for some weird reason NFL teams value draft picks a ridiculous amount. Its crazy to me that so many teams wont part with a 6 or 7 for a player so they dont have to negotiate on the open market. Although with teams finding gems like Derrick Ward, TJ Housh, Donald Driver, and Cortland Finnegan in the 7th i might be able to see where they are coming from.
It seems ive argued with you about picks in a few threads now and I dont really think you are completely wrong im just saying NFL teams value cheaper contracts they can get from draft picks over paying veteran salaries most of the time.
Jerruh's trade for Roy Williams was kind of mindboggling, you just dont see NFL teams give up multiple 1sts much anymore. I can MAYBE understand for a franchise qb in Cutler, but for a WR? Jerruh is the same owner who gave up two 1sts for Joey Galloway as well though.