Please go fuck yourself. Seriously, what the fuck were you thinking? I don't care that the defense let up in the fourth quarter or that the offense did nothing on that last minute drive attempt. YOU fucked up. YOU have been fucking up all season long. YOU have been a problem all season but for some strange reason that is beyond me, the management continued to let you go out there and be the shitty ass punter that you are.
It was one thing when you botched those snaps. It was another thing when you had those kicks blocked. But this shit is just inexcusable. I am 100% positive that the exact words the coach told you were "DO NOT KICK THE BALL TO DESEAN JACKSON."
Well sir, you kicked the ball to DeSean Jackson. Not only did you kick it to him, but you kicked a line drive to him. The second I saw that kick I told my brother-in-law, "Watch him return this one." We watched in awe as that inevitably happened because of your supreme fuck up.
So, hopefully we can put these troubles behind us. And by that, I mean hopefully your ass gets realized sometime in the next few days. If that does not happen, I will seriously question my existence as a Giants fan.
The New York Giants Community
It was one thing when you botched those snaps. It was another thing when you had those kicks blocked. But this shit is just inexcusable. I am 100% positive that the exact words the coach told you were "DO NOT KICK THE BALL TO DESEAN JACKSON."
Well sir, you kicked the ball to DeSean Jackson. Not only did you kick it to him, but you kicked a line drive to him. The second I saw that kick I told my brother-in-law, "Watch him return this one." We watched in awe as that inevitably happened because of your supreme fuck up.
So, hopefully we can put these troubles behind us. And by that, I mean hopefully your ass gets realized sometime in the next few days. If that does not happen, I will seriously question my existence as a Giants fan.
The New York Giants Community