Dear sirs,
Please find something else to do on Sunday night from 8 pm est to at least midnight. Two real teams, neither of wich has Tom Terrific or Mr. Manning on it but instead actual NFL players, will take the field and play actual football. Players, including the all precious quarterback, will get hit and it will hurt, some blood may get spilled and one or more players may end up in the hospital or being carted off. This game is not the pansy ass 80 point affair you are trying to make the league into so that the fruity ass PC shock troops can watch and 'enjoy' your product. This is a game that will show everyone what real smash mouth hard hitting football is and how it should stay. For people like you, this is the time when you should catch up on your cross stitching so that it will be done in time for display at Christmas dinner.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation, have a wonderful evening.
P.S. Deacon Jones wants to meet you in a dark alley whenever it is convient for you.
Please find something else to do on Sunday night from 8 pm est to at least midnight. Two real teams, neither of wich has Tom Terrific or Mr. Manning on it but instead actual NFL players, will take the field and play actual football. Players, including the all precious quarterback, will get hit and it will hurt, some blood may get spilled and one or more players may end up in the hospital or being carted off. This game is not the pansy ass 80 point affair you are trying to make the league into so that the fruity ass PC shock troops can watch and 'enjoy' your product. This is a game that will show everyone what real smash mouth hard hitting football is and how it should stay. For people like you, this is the time when you should catch up on your cross stitching so that it will be done in time for display at Christmas dinner.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation, have a wonderful evening.
P.S. Deacon Jones wants to meet you in a dark alley whenever it is convient for you.