I know that, NOW. But if everything were downloadable, I would assume that the game manufacturers would insist on safeguards being put into place in order to stop the game sharing that goes on now. I'm sure there's a way for it to work, but I just know it would feel weird to me not putting a disc into my console. At least for a little while.
More and more publishers are realizing this is stupid. Valve announced the other day that it is working on improving STEAMWORKS so that customers have unlimited access to the products they buy, while also protecting the developer's work. Stardock has a very open policy when it comes to their products and have been rewarded for it with healthy sales. The guy who created World of Goo came out the other day and said DRM is just plain stupid.
These are the smart guys in publishing. They know that locking the product down with shit DRM (as it is incredibly likely anything on the console would) just hurts everyone. The pirates will still get the product, and the people who actually PAID for the product are the ones that get hurt.