Obligatory RA reply to a music buying thread...
Obligatory RA reply to a music buying thread...
Yes, and I enjoy it.
Spending an hour or two in a proper record shop is one of the greatest joys in life that doesn't involve the exchange of bodily fluids and one of which that there will never be a digital equivalent.
Other than free tracks or samplers from bands and labels and a few youthful dalliances with Napster back in the day, I've only ever downloaded three albums.
-one paid for, 'Therapy' by Jim Lea
-one free and legit, 'In Rainbows' by Radiohead
-one illegal, 'Crush Depth' by Chrome Hoof
...and they were three of the most hollow experiences of my life. I derived such little pleasure from the whole thing that I have never properly listened to the first two and I have only been able to listen to the last one since I bought it (and then later the record company sent me a free promo copy as well).
Buying and owning records has been good to me. I've met great people from all over the world through them; sat up all night having brilliant discussions over them and even impressed a few girls with them - albeit mostly ones who were collectors themselves. All my records have stories attached to them and if I had to write an autobiography then I would do so with all of them piled around me. Scrolling through a playlist on my phone wouldn't quite have the same impact really.
Of course, if you're just listening to mainstream junk then you're probably better off downloading because all the money from the CD will just end up in the pockets of the suits and, to be fair, you may as well have them on a format as disposable as the actual music. But when you get down to the real creative stuff then the more money you spend means the artists and the decent labels and proper record shops will be able to keep putting out great music. I couldn't give a fuck if people download U2 or Black Eyed Peas stuff but when I hear people bragging about downloading stuff by artists that have to sleep in the van after gigs and have to get time off work just to go on tour then it makes me want to cut their fucking ears off, they don't deserve them.
If seeking out, tracking down, buying, savouring and then listening to a great rare gem of a record is the equivalent of flying to a remote, private, Fijian island for two weeks of naked sexual abandon with a wild, untamed, bronzed Goddess then downloading is the equivalent of picking the flaky bits off a second-hand Fleshlight and lubricating it with your own tears before forlornly pumping it over your flaccid cock as you look at your ex-girlfriend's latest holiday pictures on Facebook.