That's a fair point. Personally I couldn't care less about the industry, the megastars, the chancers that buy into it all with the misguided belief that you can still get rich from playing music or the listeners that couldn't really care less about music.
My problem is that a lot of the habits that are infecting the top of the pyramid are slowly seeping down. Even bands that have enough of an audience to regularly tour Europe and North America are struggling to make a living from their music. I know that many promoters, even at mid-level and below, have always had a reputation as rip-off merchants and you always run that risk when touring but artists don't even have the steady income stream that royalties used to give them anymore.
I've worked with quite a few musicians at this level and it's bloody hard seeing decent people making good music and getting hardly any reward for it. You'll get some singer putting a good wedge of their own money into recording and releasing an album for a more than reasonable price yet you'll have "fans" asking where to find a free download of it on that singer's Myspace page. Or you'll have people standing at a merch table in a gig counting off which of the records on display they have torrented before walking off with nothing more than the free badges and stickers.
We seem to be living in an ostentatious time where people will pay many times over the odds for things like clothes, jewellery, gadgets or pointless fucking adornments for their flashy cars just to be able to say they paid that much for them, but this conspicuous consumption doesn't apply to something actually worthwhile like art. I'll get called cheap for buying unbranded, £3 shirts in bulk, driving a shitty, nondescript car and for paying as little as possible for shoes and then wearing them until they fall off my feet but then get called an idiot for giving money to an artist I like so that they can keep producing art that I like.
2010 is a scary and confusing place for me, my only sanctuary is the record shops.