So, I am a Stephen King fan. I was an English Major in college, and had multiple professors that seemed to reach almost masturbatory levels of hating King. I took a break from his stuff after the 90's, just because it started to lose my interest. Recently, however, I've started to read some of his stuff again (specifically Duma Key and 11/22/63) and I thought that both were VERY good.
My question is this: do you think King is a good writer? My professor's in college (and my understanding of most of the "literary elite" -- see also, unsuccessful writers) acted as if he was just some dude that mashed together some words and just made money off of it. It always struck me as extremely disingenuous, particularly considering King spent a part of his career under a different pen name just because he wanted to make sure people weren't buying his shit just based off of his name.
Anyway, don't mean to ramble, just curious on others thoughts as far as this is concerned, as it has always been an interesting topic to me.