VSN Poster of the Year
Is Matt Jones a star? His case I don't see as too big of a deal. Big Ben? Yeah that should have gotten more attention but until some legal issues happen NFL does not get involved.
Vick, well that is an obvious case as to why he needs to be punished.
Pac-Man? Saying "I'm gonna make it rain" then someone gets paralyzed. Yeah intervention needed.
Tank Johnson? Arsenal of Assult weapons and charged with assult as well as gun possession multiple times. Yeah intervention needed.
Marshawn Lynch? Was shot in a mistaken identity gang act. Gets accused of sexual assault by his Girlfriend, no intervention. Then gets involved with a hit and run case. Later owns up to it. Few days after the pro bowl gets pulled over by police they find weed and a gun. Gun charges no drug charges. Yeah intervention needed here.
Donte Stallworth on the other hand, owned up to his horrible situation. I give him all the credit in the world for owning up and I still think the punishment is excessive.
Does this make the commissioner racist? No
no one called goodell a racist.
Wether or not the discipline has been metted out equally, the preception of an unfair situtaion based on race can come into play no matter how the actions are actually carried out. Is there a racist overtone to Goodell being the czar of the NFL? That depends on who you ask. I personally don't think there is, but I am not nieve enough to think that it couldn't exist. The real irony is if if was a black man that was doing what Goodell is he would be called a race trader or uncle tom by some. The point of me bringing it up was to imply that when the CBA talks start anything can get in the way.
I feel like Goodell has done a great job actually, but i a m not one of the players either. A lot of these knuckle heads think since they have skated their whole life they can just whatever they want, and this personal conduct thing is perfect for that. A s for the Stallworth thing, i have stated my opinion, right or wrong, clearly so I wont go back over it.