2011 Poster Of The Year

Dragon Gate USA
Open the Golden Gate
January 27, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
8pm PST
Price: $14.95
Open The United Gate Title Match
CIMA & Ricochet defend vs. Masaaki Mochizuki & Jimmy Susumu (Yokosuka)
"Mercury Rising 2011" Rematch
PAC vs. Akira Tozawa
Grudge Match
Masato Yoshino vs. Naruki Doi
Anything Goes Match
AR Fox vs. Sami Callihan
Special Attraction Match
Low Ki vs. BxB Hulk
Tag Team Attraction
Chuck Taylor & Rich Swann of Ronin vs. The Young Bucks of Nick & Matt Jackson
Bonus Match
Jon Davis vs. Caleb Konley with Larry Dallas
*Note the late start time of 8 Pacific*
Dragon Gate USA is often times watered down Dragon Gate with indy geeks, but this lineup looks really good.
-Main event has the best tag team in the business, "The Spiked Mohicans", plus one of the five or ten best workers in the world in Mochizuki. Should be fun.
-PAC vs. Tozawa has no choice but to be awesome. I've been raving about PAC's improved work, and Tozawa is the fucking man as most of you know (sup, Biss).
-Yoshino vs. Doi, I mean, duh. How can that not be good?
-AR Fox vs Callihan. Meh, Callihan.
-Low Ki kissed and made up with Gabe, and made his EVOLVE/DGUSA debut at the ECW Arena finale. He will be a regular from this point forward. He takes on BxB Hulk here.
-Young Bucks are regulars now, too. This should be a fun spot fest.
-I'm not a big Davis or Konley guy . Eh, it's the opener.
Johnny Gargano, the champ, is out with an injury, so this had to be re-booked. This is reminiscent of those old school ROH lineups that were stacked from top to bottom. $14.95? Sold.