Fuck em
I won the Canadian one 5 years ago lol. Got to go to Hawaii and all that. Then the next year I lost in the semi's 7-0 (2 min qtrs, shakehead). And I haven't played one since. I'm not really that into it to drive to the states to tell you the truth.
I'm easy to beat in all honesty but somehow I always win. Plenty of close games last year but sometimes I catch a break or the other guy makes that big mistake. I think the difference is usually I don't make a mistake. Like, I never throw picks lol. And when the game is close I usually make the right decision every time.
But I stopped playing the game early last year so I haven't played this in a while. Should take me a bit to shake some rust off.
Or I just import the sandman glitch and use madden cards online. Shit's easy.
well I gotta catch ya early this year then lol. Shit...give me a cut I'll drive you to all the states you can sleep the whole time lol