Yea, the whole "Madden outsold 2k which was a third of the price" argument is utterly ridiculous. Madden has name recognition, relatively endless dollars and an A+ marketing strategy, of course they would outsell 2k. Live outsold 2K for a good while until people started to realize the strides they were making and how much better the game was than Live. The flack that NBA 2k may or may not be taking right now is nothing compared to the clusterfuck that is NBA Live.
It was quite obvious what was gonna take place if 2k had another cycle or few to create a NFL game. 2k captured the nuances of the game a lot more acurately than Madden. My gripes were the way the players ran and player models but that would improved eventually.
You can play Madden 25 pretty much the same way you were able to play Madden 05. Outs and comebacks are still $ vs man, run blockers still run past defenders, shading CBs dont work, AI doesnt adjust to the same plays being ran over and over... I can go on and on. These are issues that we have been complaining about for a decade and you all are telling me 2k wouldnt have produced a better game by now :lol2: Ok.