Giants in the Super Bowl
Is this "don't read the post day" or something?? lol
I already said Bryan doesn't even need to win to be put over. A hard fought loss where he takes Undertaker to the limit, and then Undertaker shows him respect in victory, gets Bryan over bigger than ever, and keeps the streak alive.
You could do this with anyone really, but I think Bryan is the best choice.
I know you said he doesn't have to go over, but you brought up how he should lose to someone.
Anyway, you're thinking of that Jeff Hardy ladder match on RAW...which was fucking awesome btw.
It would be sweet if they put Danielson in a program with Taker to bring out his serious "I wanna kick some ass" side. But you know they won't. Taker's only working with the "big" guys from hereon out.
It'll be HHH again but if they do put Henry in that spot again...fuck them.
Punk/Jericho for the WWE title
I keep forgetting about him. Does seem that's the natural program.