Folks actually wrote songs, sang well and played instruments.
I also like late 80s/early 90s hip-hop/house/techno, some classic rock(Hendrix, Deep Purple, Bad Company, etc.), and early 90s grunge/alt rock(Soundgarden, AIC, Pearl Jam). Aside from Maxwell, Norah Jones, Alicia Keys and a few others, I don't listen to much new stuff. Most of it is a bunch of bimbos/himbos wailing over beats from my college days 30 years ago. Beyonce, Rhianna, Li'l Wayne, Jennifer Hopez, Lady Gaga??? Please, GTFO with that bullshit. Give me Otis Redding, Aretha, James Brown, Marvin Gaye, Teddy P., Luther, Stevie Wonder, Prince, Chake Khan, Parliament/Funkadelic/Zapp anyday. It's shameful what R&B has become Rhythmless Bullshit.