This is why I think Lance Armstrong is a bigger fraud than Bonds or Clemens.
My grandpa died of brain cancer. It's a topic that hits home.
IMO, Lance Armstrong used his cancer diagnosis as a way to mask his clear scumbag ways. I honestly congratulate him for beating cancer, and thank him for raising money to help beat the disease ... but he clearly was always using it as a way for him not being a disgraceful liar and a guy who would destroy other people's lives to protect his lies.
All Armstrong had to do was say "Yeah, I did it ... everyone else on the Tour did it. I had to do it to compete. I apologize."
In 20 years, no one will care about A-Rod or Andy Pettite. Armstrong will still be a scumbag liar. And dig deeper into the Armstrong story, chicubs2003, this guy didn't just lie ... he did everything in his power to destroy the lives of people who told the truth.
Again, my grandpa lost his life to brain cancer. I am not speaking as a fan or non-fan here.