Freeman Error
That last match I played last night with Pad, FirstTimer and Rylo (I think) was infuriating. I have no idea how we went from being up 120+ to 60+. I guess I jinxed us when I made the comment about destroying them and all we needed to do was play defense. We had all three of the flags for like the first five minutes of the game and I was thinking out loud, "Do these guys know how to play this game?" It pissed me off because it seems that the importance of controlling flags in the beginning of a match is far less important than controlling them at the end. We had all three of the flags and it seemed like it wasn't affecting their tickets at all. Then they finally take over ONE flag and it seemed like our tickets were going down as fast as theirs. Then they took two of the flags and we were losing tickets like a siv. Next thing I know we were losing 40+ to 30+.
Until I joined the game with FOOT I was stuck on a team on another server with a bunch of Mexican's in my squad who spoke only in Spanish. I had no idea what was going on.
That server we were playing on sucked ass too(communciation wise). My bluetooth was acting lame as hell and everyone else who was talking sounded like shit.
Later on that night after you left(where the hell did you go?) Pad, Swarley, Ky, and I ran shit for a few games. Pad had a HUGE game going like 21/6 and leading the team in points. Rylo kicked our ass in a few games. Fucker was kicking the shit out of me personally.
Highlight of my night was after the members of FOOT I was playing with signed off. Took out a helicopter with a tank round. :smug:
Also Twigg, I noticed you're not on my friends lsit for PSN. I'll add you tonight.
Some noob questions:
1. How do I give ammo etc? I get this thing that pops up that says "offer/request ammo" and it looks like the select button but I have no idea how to drop ammo and med kits. What do I do to drop that stuff?
2. How do I use my secondary weapon? I know pressing triangle goes dfrom my main gun to my sidearm.....but How do I get to use my grenade launcher/RPG's/C4 etc?