Am I the only one that isn't crazy about the maps this year? They seem to all be made for the "run and gunner" types. There isn't much balance in them. In that I mean most of the maps seem to have the same basic "layout"/'theme". A thin loop that basically runs around the outside of them with a cluster fuck of houses/buildings/ect all over the middle of them.
They all feel like they are basically set up like Favela and to a lesser extent Boneyard from MW2. I know you have to have some run and gun maps on there..but they all seem to kind of be set up for that.
The maps don't have anything like "Depot", or "Safehouse", or that one map..the name escapes me know. With some blown out farm houses, a cemetary, some broken down tanks, and in the middle there is that little undergorund dirt bunker type thing where clusterfuck always happens.
Maybe it's a selfish, style of play thing by me but I always enjoyed working the edges of maps, not getting into massive fire fights and strategically picking my spots. That's how I play(ed) my best. I would do run and gun when I had to on levels like Terminal, Favela, Boneyard but I enjoyed the balance of the maps. Maybe I haven't played enough of the maps yet but it just doesn't feel like there is a great balance to the maps for different styles of play.
Maybe it's just me?
I still love the game but I'm not incredibley impressed with the multiplayer map selection/setup/design.