Be specific. I havent run into any glaring issues in the 3 days I have had the game.
Oh and dont let hadley be the party leader. That fucker jumps in and out of games like a 15 year convict on parole jumps in and out of 20 dollar hookers.
Needs fixing:
Hit detection. My reaction times are generally faster than most people, so when I come around a corner and get a good half a second jump on shooting someone, but don't even get a hit marker, something is wrong here. Another thing is when I did my favorite thing to do to a camper, walk up behind them and get a free headshot...first time I did it I just tapped the trigger thinking it would be an instant kill, the guy didn't even die :laugh:
Framerate Issues. Levels like Jungle, and Firing Range immediately come to mind. The game just chugs along randomly slowing down and speeding up, so annoying. I play on a 46" in 1080p so I don't know if that makes a difference in how noticeable it is or not.
Lag. All kinds of connection issues, extremely annoying that I can't even tell who is talking in the lobby half the time. Luckily I know a lot of peoples voices in the FOOT clan.
Spawn points. Ironically what pisses me off more is that several times I have watched the other team spawn right in front of me. Yesterday was awesome, I got 4 free kills as they spawned under me on Havana and ran right out for me to shoot them in the back. MW2 had issues on spawns, however over time I felt they were predictable, especially in TDM. It may work out the same in this game, but since most of the levels are like a rat maze it could be more difficult.
Sounds. Can't hear enemy footsteps, but iirc this is already in the patchworks. I can hear enemies reload their guns though, but it is easy to miss the sound.
Could be a really solid game if they resolve these issues, if they don't this game will continue to be hot garbage while Kotick sits on his throne laughing at our dumbasses