cocksuckers mightve made me reconsider as well. Im trying to sell madden, playstation eye, and nba 2k11 since i dont really play any of them. i redeemed points through my work's incentive program thinking i would play nba 2k11 offline. Im just not into offline sports games. If im able to move all that crap i might just get this. I havent read ANYTHING about this game. Ive watched one video that had some effing remote control car bomb thing lol. I definitely liked the previous treyarch games though, infinity ward fanboys can guzzle taint juice. Both companies make decent games.
I miss rolling with alot of you even BB's dual shotties, blade's incessant bitching, and KY having his 30-1 matches.
Give me a week or two and i might have the game, i waffle more than a damn politician i know. If i get it i wont be on every night but ill play when i can.