Funny story from today. I was playing Domination in Wasteland. I hop on that mounted machine gun overlooking Flag B and some kid on my team comes up to me and starts yelling "To get off the gun" "That shit is mine!" He's shooting at me, screaming, whining, and I swear at one point he sounded like he wanted to cry. I just kept firing and going nuts knowing a sniper would pick him off. He comes around stands in front of the gun and I start shooting. Just as he's calling me a "fucking faggot" in a squeaky pre-pubescent voice on the verge of tears an enemy sniper pops him in the head. I duck, run away behind the nearby helicopter and wait.....
Like clockwork I see the kid running back trying to get to the gun. I pop up sprint and get to the gun just before he does. He starts going nuts and screaming and crying. I see an enemy coming so I leave the gun and he hops on it and instantly gets shot and killed. I was laughing my ass off. He screamed into his headset and logged out of the game.