So here's my "random dumb asses" story...
First, I don't understand how people attempt to take down a sentry gun, while standing in front of it? I don't know what the range is on that thing but countless times I've seen one after another charge it and get shredded like cows in a slaughter house. I run up on Sentry Guns all the time, but that's because I have cold blooded and the thing doesn't shoot at me.
Anyways, I'm on Estate, and the team I get is some random hacker for his 10th prestige, a few level 20 somethings, and then a 2nd prestige, and myself. So we start at the bottom of the hill. One guy on the other team is neatly planted on the porch and nails enough guys for his sentry gun. We get a UAV and you can see that the entire team is in the house.
I shit you not, I'm in the "garage" looking at the house and I can see the sentry gun symbol in the front of the house. I watch as my team charges, three of them get mowed down. Then again, and then...again. After the first couple of deaths I thought they might get it. Then finally one of the geniuses speaks up. "What the hell, I've shot that thing! Why won't it go down fuck!"
Some time passes and Mr. Sniper now has another Sentry gun, this time he plants it in guess what? The exact same spot, the rest of his team is holed up in the house picking off the guys who are trying to "Flank" through the green house and this same kid charges the sentry gun. Over, and over, and over. He just keeps running. I didn't know if he was pissed off, and just wanted to say fuck it?
Anyways, the match goes on and we get killed 7500 to 2000. Next up is Terminal.
I get grouped with about the same people minus one or two guys from the other team. And guess what? Mr. Run and Die himself. The match starts off, the team gets some kills and they neatly place the sentry gun in the long hall way. So this time I'm thinking, "Hey, maybe they got the clue?" I'm in the airplane picking off the team in the book store, and some of them that try to charge the plane. When sure enough I get a first hand look of my entire team running down the hallway and getting mowed down.
I often wonder if I'm playing Modern Warfare or Mental Retardation Warfare.