2 Things that cracked me up last night:
1) I ran out of bullets in the middle of a firefight and streak and spazzed out. It was also right when I found the perfect angle on those bitches all camped out in the blown up building. I also was working on a harrier streak. So you guys start yelling at me to find a freaking gun. I jump out of my perfect spot, and see Miggy or Rudi get knife-raped by the double shotty foo, I knifed that guy, took the shotty and ended up in their hideout, blowing the shit out of em. Kill the last guy for the streak, call in the jets and bam we win!
2) Same map, but at the end I finished the game before OOBL's greedy ass could call in all his airstrikes. I don't know the hell he was waiting for this entire time. With 800 pts to go ofcourse the game was gonna end soon. Moron LMFAO.