I love you mfers, yes homo. Im extremely grateful for having you guys as friends the majority of whom i've never met. ChuckChillout just sent me $20 and put me to $62. THANKS to blade, houtz, bigbucs, kyhadley, and Chillout.
I was kinda bummed i wouldnt have the game until about December but thats life. You get older and other shit takes priority to video games. Blade like the good guy he is mentioned it on here and to my surprise people started volunteering to send me money. WTF? You guys dont know me, but it made me feel really good that the times we've shared online would make you care so much for me to be so generous.
I guess i'll try to repay you by having your backs in the game and trying not to suck it up in deathmatch, SnD has always been my shining point anyway lol