I'll probably regret doing this but I am going to anyway. Its the only point I am going to make though as me and you have argued this ad nauseam and I think we both know we aren't changing each others mind. Theres no point in going at it again.
The point about it being 3 years too late or the notion that we would have won a Super Bowl or have been much better in 2008 with Favre. Favre was a special player, don't get me wrong, but I just don't understand how that argument can be made
2007 Brett Favre: 4155 yds, 28 TDs, 15 INTs
2008 Aaron Rodgers: 4038 yds, 28 TDs, 13 INTs
Its nearly identical. I don't understand this notion that we would have been better with Favre. Sure, maybe he wills us through a game or two but he wasn't going to make us 10-6 instead of 6-10, much less repeat the 13-3 of 2007. If theres on major factor to blame in 2008, it was the defense. No way Favre can do anything about that unless he gains 300 lbs and starts stuffing the run.
2007 D: 6th in points against, 12th against the pass, 14th against the rush
2008 D: 22nd in points against, 12th against the pass, 26th against the rush
I think if anything, Favre and the Vikings proved this year that being in the NFC championship one year does not come even close to guaranteeing you will get back the following. Theres a ton of factors. The division winner get the harder schedule (based on the year before doesn't always turn out that way in the end). Other teams improve like the Bears and Lions. Was it a risky move to let Favre go, it doesn't seem like it in retrospect but at the time hell yeah it seemed crazy. However, in hindsight, I don't think it made a huge difference and don't see how someone could argue it did outside of the "Magic of Favre" argument.
And thus ends the only argument I will make on the matter. As I said, I don't expect this will have any effect. Just wanted to make a point. No real need to get in yet another full blown debate which results in nothing.