The idea of Spartan Ops as an episodic adventure is an interesting one. What was the thinking there?
Well, we talked about some of the independent components of that separately. We talked about what would be a cool co-op experience, what would be a cool fiction ... but ultimately, it came down to this conversation we had a few years ago about, what is a really interesting water cooler experience as it relates to video games? People will typically buy a new game, they'll talk about the big set-pieces in that game, and then they'll move on to the multiplayer component, and often just stop talking about it.
We wanted gamers to have a continual water cooler conversation that revolves around shared gameplay experiences. So if you have four people working together to get through these missions and then watching and experiencing fiction at the same time ... it's not that you have to go and blow up a reactor and then you watch a cinematic sequence of a reactor blowing up; it's real characters with really significant universe-changing events going on in the narrative.
We have the Spartan Ops story mapped out, at least loosely, for a few years. The first season is very rigid at this point and we know where this story goes. If it's successful, if people enjoy it, we have a narrative arc that can last for years, with a known beginning, a middle and an end.
So if we're talking about multi-season interactive episodic content, there's quite a cost to developing that. Will you be charging at some point?
The first season is absolutely free if you buy either the special edition or the regular edition - that's a really significant amount of content; it's being compared to an entire campaign on top of the one that ships with the game.
Yes, it's a lot of content and yes it's an expense, but we think it's worthwhile. Halo has long tradition of doing innovative things: Halo 2 had Xbox Live multiplayer; Halo 3 had social and sharing aspects. It's a tradition that goes back to the first game and we wanted to continue that spirit of experimentation. But this works, it's fun and it's testing really well. It's going to be interesting to see if those water cooler conversations emerge organically and naturally. We have our fingers crossed that they will.