I have a feeling that if James Harrison played on your favorite team you wouldn't have a problem
Hey....we have a winner, tell him what he's won!
Being a football player and taking several helmet to helmet shots in my life, it's hard to choose a side. You want the players to be safe and not get hurt, but it's football. That comes with playing. Knowing that anytime you step on the field, it could be your last play because it's a dangerous sport. It isn't soccer. It isn't basketball, and it sure as fuck isn't baseball.
Kevin is completely right, if this player is on your team you have no problem with it. I would give ANYTHING to have my players on the Bears at least play with the same intensity as Harrison. I don't think any of the Bears could lay a helmet to helmet shot if the other guy wasn't moving prior to the hit. I feel like our game of football is slowly being pussified and watered down. It's all in the name of safety, but you cannot fine somebody 75,000, especially when you're sitting there on your website selling pictures of the photo making a profit off of it.
We watch football because of big plays, and big hits. Without big hits, we have a much less interesting game. I love how the NFL completely is disinterested in other injuries outside of "helmet to helmet" hits. I know they are less severe, but you see guys tearing ACL's, etc. all the time. Yet nothing is really done about those. They let guys play without knee pads, thigh pads, etc. If they are going to do the safety shit, shouldn't they make it full circle?