First off, I have to thank you. In doing this research, I actually noticed I was drastically undervaluing the amount of championships won by teams who had the #1 overall pick. So lets look at the stats for teams since 1985. I used since 1985 since that was the amount I brought up originally in the chatbox.
You'll notice that first, the record does side with the Super Bowl losers, as does the playoff appearances. The averages show that a team who lost the Super Bowl is going to get on average, 1 more win per season over a 5 year span than a team who had the first overall pick. The 10 differential means that in a 5 year span, the average Super Bowl loser would get 2.25 playoff appearances to the 1.75 playoff appearances made by teams with the 1st overall pick. Not a huge difference, but significant.
The big difference comes in championships. The number of championships won is a drastic difference. In the 100 total seasons, only 1 was won by a team who had lost a Super Bowl in the 5 years prior (Patriots). On the other hand, 6 championships were won by teams who had the 1st overall pick within 5 years prior (by the Cowboys and 1 by the Rams). Statistically speaking, of the 20 teams teams who lost a Super Bowl, only had a 5% chance to win a championship in the 5 years following. On the other hand, teams who had the 1st overall pick would have a 30% chance to win a championship. This is a 500% increase! That is huge!
So again, thanks again for making me prove once again, that having the first overall pick is better than losing a Super Bowl for the future of the franchise.