Source: Playstation Home releasing in 10 days
By Andy Burt December 08, 2008 17:26 PM PST Print Email this! Share
Digg Yahoo Buzz! FaceBook StumbleUpon Buzz up!Sony's long-coming virtual world Home is set for release in just over a week, new sources reveal.
Earlier this morning The Times Online UK reported that Playstation Home will be released to the masses "in the next 10 days". This announcement comes just in time for Christmas, which should help boost Sony's online presence for the holidays.
While we've been wary of Home release date announcements in the past, this news makes the most sense for Sony with the holidays coming up, when gamers are making their last minute console purchasing decisions.
On the status of Home:
"We expect big things for it. It starts to place the PS3 in a social community [context]. Free online gaming, easily finding other players, Trophies... all those things come together to make Home special. It's going to happen very, very soon. It's imminent."