Non Clooney Division:
Kill Bill - I usually don't get along with the type of people who like this.
Inception - Ironic, a movie about sleeping that is so fucking boring and badly edited (it never enndddsss) that it can easily put you to sleep.
Forrest Gump - I was rooting against the tard by the end, even though Jenny is the biggest cunt in movie history.
The Fast & The Furious (and its endless sequels, especially the one with gooks driving sideways) - MAD PHAT, YO
Magnolia, Eyes Wide Shut, Vanilla Sky - The Tom Cruise triad of artsy shit that people pretend to like, but nobody really does. Unwatchable.
Animal House - I swear, the first time I watched this I was confused because I thought it was supposed to be a comedy. Where are the jokes? Perfect example of comedy evolving and not aging well over time.
Meatballs, Stripes, Caddyshack - see above. I'm still not sure Meatballs is really supposed to be a comedy, unlike Animal House which I realize is a comedy but just isn't funny.
Requiem For A Dream - I'll allow NAHSTE to handle this one. Maybe the worst non B-movie of all time. Neck and neck with the final movie at the bottom of the post...
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - ..and I thought Requiem was bad. I have to confess that I didn't watch the entire movie. I t was so fucking awful I couldn't finish. Probably the worst non B-movie i've ever seen had I bothered to finish it.
The Dark Knight - Boring.
The Matrix - Corny.
And the winner for the most overrated movie of all time, and also the worst movie of all time, bar none, regardless of budget or any other factor is...