The Messenger
Senior Member
First of all, sweet of you to say. I personally had no problem with you, but it's good to know early on that you're an asshole that I can from here on in ignore.
I disagree with him being the best closer in the game right now, and the fact that people call him that makes me consider him overrated. And I consider being owned by your biggest rival to be a pretty big deal.
Anyway, thanks for being a douche bag just the same.
I called you an idiot when it comes to baseball because all I've seen from you on these boards (MLB talk) has been idiotic statements such as this one.
I never called Mariano the best closer still. I called Mariano a top 3 closer still (check my post).
Maybe you're referring to when I said any team would take him as their closer for one season. Would you really argue that? Rivera is a top 3 closer during the regular season, and he's the best playoff closer of all-time.
DJ Rhude, I agree with your post, however, Mariano has barely shown any decline. He's getting up there in age and one day he'll bail out of the game, but last season alone shows he is still one of the top in the game and still able to put up numbers similar to those of his past seasons. Not saying you were saying he is declining, just stating that.