I love the wide open gameplay, just make the AI smart enough to know when the guy is pulling circles to reverse field to play it a little better,
without that, I know there are nor cutback lanes, and thats what makes this game so great in my opinion, this is honestly the best football game I've ever played, I can't put it down, and Madden just doesn't compare to me, its not as much fun.
one thing I'd love to see them do, is with the Campus Legend mode, allow your player to return punts or kicks, because even if your 1rst in the depth chart for special teams returning, it still won't allow you to.
the arm tackles are incredible.
obviously more players for an online dynasty, wouldn't it be incredible if you could do a 32, 36, or something along that line of players in an online dynasty, then you could do a NCAA type of RZML and have enough people to actually compete.
add the break tackle after contact deal from madden, but don't juice it up as much as it is in madden, I'm tired of seeing Marion Barber pull the New England 2 yard run every time he gets the ball... yes, its awesome to watch, but those things happen once or twice in a season.
I'd also like the playmaker tool to be more like it was in madden on the original xbox and ps2, where instead of pressing A and then choosing, you just use the right analog stick and press it once, twice for the second option, in the direction you want, its a lot faster, and in those online games when your trying to adjust your defense, you don't have to worry about getting tripped up on your buttons to the point that your completely messed up when the offense runs its play.
equal out the strip ball = face mask deal... to many times I go to strip a ball and I face mask the guy, it should be nothing more then a missed tackle,
I understand you might need it a little bit, but to many times in game changing situations you'll strip the ball just to get the flag thrown for a face mask. if anything, make it so when you try to strip the ball, your chance of tackling your opponents takes a hit.
momentum when running, I'd love to see guys literally make cuts, and watch defenders do their best to slow down by chopping their feet when someone makes a cut back, to many times the defender AND the ball carrier will just do that thing where they turn in a tight circle without losing much momentum, if you made it where in order to stop and go depended on agility and not speed, the cutbacks would also go down in effectiveness, because it gives the guys coming in backwards pursuit a chance to catch up.
another thing I'd love to see in campus legend, is a camera that always stays to the back of the ball carrier, to many time I've had to cut back, just to keep running and swerving because I have no idea what I'm running into, if the camera was always at the runningbacks back, I'd always know what I was running into, you could even pull the camera closer to make it more realistic.