Can someone describe why Battlefield is better ? I never played it but if its unique I will.
I never understood why the story was so compelling in COD I liked the individual stages and scenes but I never actually realized they were all related..piss poor story telling IMO.
You guys are all blaming the game company and I get it...but its not really them its the retard gamer and MP that has killed just about every single shooter.
Halo/COD/RB6/GR/GOW all have regressed in there own way not because of lack of vision IMO but because of the desire to cater to mass audiences who want lightning fast twitch gaming with instant respawning , 4.2 40 running characters who can bunny hop 30 yards at a time. That attitude will always carry over to story mode as youre simply not going to build a game with two sets of mechanics and physics.
Honestly play Halo 1 , GOW 1, RB6 on original XB , Ghost Recon 1 , COD4 and see JUST how unique and different each of those were.
I mean voice commanding your guys , squad management , LARGE maps , low ammo counts ,weapons with big learning curves. All of that has been done away with (obviously varying by game).
Every single attempt Ive read or seen to bring realism into a game has been lambasted by shitty POS whiny bitch gamers. ((ex. best addition to any shooter was stopping power in GOW2 yet theres 29138494387 threads and endless petitions to do away with it on there forums))
From reading your post it seems like BF3 would fit what you are looking for. It has a fairly high learning curve because there are so many different things you can do, but you need to practice them to be effective at them. There are 4 different roles you can play as (Assault, Engineer, Support, Recon) and you need to play your role to help your team.
If you are playing as Assault you get the most powerful guns as well as the option of an attached grenade launcher/shotgun. However you also have the ability to heal and revive players. Reviving your teammates refunds tickets (lives) which is extremely important. People are pretty good with reviving especially on smaller maps.
It is the engineer's job to destroy enemy vehicles and repair teammates or their own vehicle if it needs it. It amazes me to be on a team of almost all engineers yet the other team is running rampant in vehicles.
Support gets the LMG's that hold 3092324 bullets and you get to resupply teammates with ammo. Not to mention they get C4 which can provide endless amounts of fun.
Recon is probably the most misplayed class there is. Too many just sit at the back of the map and try to snipe the other team from insanely far away. They also have a tendency to plant a mobile spawn point right next to the default spawn point. They are much more effective trying to sneak behind enemy lines, setting up a mobile spawn point for teammates, and planting a T-UGS (motion sensor) in heavily fought over areas.
Also being an effective tank/helicopter/jet pilot takes practice to be good, sooo many times I jump in as a gunner for a helo/tank and shake my head at how bad the driver is. I've even resorted to telling them to get out so I can drive. Now that I have all the unlocks for the tanks I can almost run an entire match without dying.
You also need to spot players and vehicles so that other teammates can see enemies they may not know of otherwise.
Pretty much everything I described that doesn't have to do with killing will earn you points which does make people play the objective instead of just worrying about their k/d ratio.
Overall I think people have gotten pretty good at team play instead of trying to go rogue-rambo
Teamwork definitely prevails over individual skill in BF3 (unless you are playing TDM). So many times I have absolutely destroyed the other team in every aspect of what I did, yet our team still lost because one person cannot win a match. And people standing on the jet runways waiting for a jet to respawn annoys me greatly.
Taking out helicopters with a regular tank shell is soooo satisfying
[ame=""]Battlefield 3 - This Never Gets Old - YouTube[/ame]