Big East might be the only option you guys have if another conference doesn't want to bring you along with Kansas. I'm hearing that this ACC thing, with 4 Pods, including a west pod with Texas & KU, is becoming a possibility. Other question becomes who else goes along. I've seen Missouri and Texas Tech as the possibilities, but today there's a rumor claiming Missouri & Tech will be the Pac's 15th & 16th invites after the Oklahoma schools join. If they do then K St could become a realistic option to come with KU to the ACC. Supposedly KU would also be the extra school for the Pac if Tech or Missouri says no, but I just can't see KU joining the Pac.
And as for our football program that you guys seem to think is so far below yours, we're 4-4 against you the last 8 years and won a BCS game a few years ago. Don't get me wrong, I realize the program sucks, but it's every bit on par with your crappy football program. You guys were what, good for a few years in the MID TO LATE 90'S? Big whoop! Take those couple years away and you might literally be the worst football program in Division 1-A history.
But at least you guys aren't Missouri. I really hate them.
If you ever need a good laugh, then youtube "Missouri One Shining Moment."