In Brendan we trust.
No, they were just whipped(sometimes tortured), had their families torn apart, and watched as women and girls were raped.
But comparing atrocities is dumb and pointless.
Exactly, comparing them really doesn't benefit either side. I often hear people doing it as a way to belittle the significance of one (usually slavery) which has no merit.
You're both 100% right, i'm not disagreeing, but which side is usually bringing up this nonsense though?. Which side feels it's ok to call a caucasian a "white boy, cracker" etc I'll let you answer that. Move the fuck on, the past is the past - it happened, nothing can be done about it. If America and Americans treat you so unfairly, well guess what? America also gives you the option to relocate to a much better place (wherever that may be). It's that fucking simple.