Halo and Gears are an example of a game being as close to balanced as their is, not sure if there is one for the PS3. When I say balanced, I mean everyone starts out with the same weapons, the maps are or close to symmetrical, and the power weapons are put on places on the map that are the same distance for both teams. That is balanced. No classes like KZ2, or COD, or Socom, but everyone looks the same and has the same weapon when the round starts. I know it sounds boring but those 2 games do a good job with it. I honestly wish that the game companies would realize that if they produce a good game, they don't need to make a rank up or xp system to keep us playing. Start off with everything unlocked, and keep it fresh for us. As in create new maps, and different gametypes, and new character skins. Just keep it fresh and you can drop that other BS that you think you need to keep us playing.