Go check out our new home!
We'll be putting up info on the new site and its functionality soon.
Some of the new functionality:
Battle Replays: You will be able to watch games as they unfolded, watch the troop movements and see who killed who and how. We'll expand on this as time goes by. Right now you should be able to view a couple of Battle Replays created by internal testing of the site. Battle Replays are saved and displayed if at least 2 people played and completed a round and will for now remain on the site for two weeks.
Clans: You will be able to create and administer your clans from the page so you don't have to be on your PS3 to see who wants to be in your clan or what the latest is on any upcoming games.
Tournaments: You will be able to set up clans from the site, just like in-game, but will be able to see the results and how they played out on the tournament wheel too.
Challenges: This offers the same functionality as the in-game, but of course lets you set up your battles remotely.
STATS!: We all love stats! And if the stats recorded in-game are not enough for you, we show even more here! Including match performance, a weapons cloud to show what weapons are used most and preferred faction.
Leaderboards: Same as in-game! See where you are from work!
And much much more.
NOTE-1: Clan creation will not work for you until you have ranked up to Sergeant in-game! So you will have to wait till the game servers are live and you've ranked up twice before you can use that functionality!
NOTE-2: The stats on the site are not realistic and stem from internal testing. These stats are not from real players and are simply there to show you the functionality at present.
NOTE-3: Please be aware that we are still working on ironing out some of the niggles and problems and will try and make sure the site remains live till the game servers are up and beyond.
NOTE-4: Not all content is live yet and we will be adding that throughout the next few days. (Trailers, Killzone 2 Characters, Vehicles etc)