Finally beat this. Solid game overall. There are a lot of small things that this game does well like NPCs actually running faster than you when you have to follow them and a junk section of your inventory. There are other things I found annoying like the pooled stash where you can get a few houses with their own stash but the items are shared between them, and I ran out of room quickly. Also, money was pretty sparse for first sections of the game, but I eventually ended up with more gold than I could use. It's also easy to max out your skills like blacksmithing, lockpicking, etc. since there are two ways (trainers and skill books) to get those filled up outside of simply leveling up.
The story overall is ok. The side quests add a little to the main arc, but most fall in the line of help this random person kill someone, fetch something, or go somewhere. Not to mention there are a TON of side quests and tasks. I finished the game with about 20 active side quests, and I'm sure there are more that I didn't find.
The combat has potential. My only problem is that I would have liked it if they let you access more basic attacks earlier. Early on, it's kind of stale since you're stuck with only a few different attacks, and it feels like you're just mashing the same button until the bad guys are dead. However, by the end, I had enough unlocked that I could vary my attacks to deal with most enemy encounters, and the combat felt smooth.
There were some odd things in this game that points to poor QA or design. Later in the game, I would talk to quest givers, and I would accidentally accept the quest without knowing what it was because some of the quest activated dialog options were mixed in with the basic location and personal dialog options. The camera angles during dialog often resulted in something obstructing the characters as well. I didn't like lockpicking either. You would think that your lockpicks would be harder to break as you increase your skill, but that wasn't the case. I maxed it out, and my picks still broke with little to no warning while I was working on harder locks.
Still, if you can get a cheap copy, this is definitely worth a try.