No Chubbies.
No dumervile, no nolan, no marshall, not a great run game, a dink and dunk type of QB coming off a 2-8 finish to your previous season. The Broncos have fail written all over them. It's gonna be like the Lions from 07 to 08 (except to a lesser degree). Lions started 07, 6-2 and ended with a 1-7 record with a total record of 7-9 then bombed next season. Same thing will happen to the Broncos (and again, to a lesser degree, they won't go 0-16).
:dontknow: 7-9 tie for second in AFC W with Oakland? Chiefs finish 4-12. Chargers go 13-3?
You guys definitely will be surprised at how explosive Kyle Orton will be in this offense. Now don't get me wrong he's no Manning or Brady, but I definitely think he can have a similar year to 2008 Matt Cassel. Oh and rest assured you will see McDaniels unleash Orton's deep ball this year. The only thing working against Orton is a shitty backfield. You guys laugh now at the 9 mil the Broncos gave Orton, but it's going to be even funnier when in the next two years Orton plays himself into a Matt Casselish contract for 2012.
Oh and the Dumerville injury isn't as HUGE as everyone thinks... Dumerville was a pass rush specialist not overall Great player. Him being out will hurt the D but not break it. The bigger issue that will factor in to wins and losses for this team is at RB.