With the Observer sub, you get the online Wrestling Observer Newsletter, online Figure Four Weekly (Bryan Alvarez), all of the radio shows (probably about 7-10 per week, but Dave is only on Observer Radio which is like 3 times per week..I don't really listen to any of the others because Alvarez is a goofball and his show is only good when Lance Storm comes on every other Tuesday), and access to THE BOARD.
THE BOARD has a bunch of different sub forums.
The main Pro Wrestling forum is shit, just a bunch of goofballs trying to get themselves over. You aren't going to get good wrestling talk in there for the most part. Maybe FedEx can give his take too, he's the only person here who I see posting over there (Empire is also a member, and unless he has a different handle over there, I dont think he posts on the board). It's also pretty much 100% WWE talk, with random ROH & TNA bashing. Lots of annoying WWE marks.
The MMA forum is better. You get regular contributions/posts from Dave, jbotter (Jeremy Botter of heavy.com), Oliver Copp, and other minor reporters/insiders like Mike Sawyer. Very UFC-centric, though. I do a rob gimmick to troll them, so that's fun. And I also argue with jbotter a lot, because I think he's full of shit.
The moderated Pro Wrestling forum is moderated by Alan4L and there is no goofball shit allowed or other assorted nonsense you get in the regular forum. It's essentially a puro forum, with some WWE/TNA talk but not much. There are awesome dedicated threads to topics like lucha, puro links, dedicated discussion to each promotion (usually two, one spoiler free), plus the MOTY tracker stuff i've posted here and other cool stuff. The discussion there is pretty good, but honestly not a whole lot better than what you get here. Just a wider range of opinions. Lots of smug elitists too, but you know how that goes.
They have versions of what we call The Studio, Locker Room, etc, a Sports Forum (which isnt terrible, but very general), a Pics forum loaded with PRON, and other random sub forums.
I think it's $10 per month or something, i'm on recurring so I dont remember.
You should try it for a month, if nothing else for the Observer Newsletter and to check out the radio shows.