The league already has Kobe, easily the least likable elite athlete not named Barry Bonds.
Nobody would be spewing Lebron hate, had he simply signed with Miami without doing it on ESPN like a out of control megalomaniac. THE DECISION was his downfall, not exercising his right as a free agent. He owed Cleveland nothing.
I don't know....Kobe certainly had his haters, but I'd say he equally (if not more so) had people who support him. Now that he's won 2 championships without Shaq I'd say hate directed at him has gone down considerably.
LeBron now has the full support of Miami Heat fans and scattered fans here and there, but I'd say his haters certainly exceed his supporters now. There always was those groups that didn't like James, because he was hyped so much, but with all of that hype he still lived up to expectations and did so while seeming to understand "the spotlight." However, with one decision that has all changed.
IMO there are people who had a problem with the way he made his decision, but also those who have a problem with the actual decision. I was more considered with the actual decision, because I felt he should have considered his legacy more; however, its his legacy. As far as how he made the decision.....I don't care. We live in a world where some Italians make millions off of acting like idiots, where teens make money off of being pregnant or where no talent fools get on stage and make fools of themselves. Yet, we want to complain when a superstar athlete wants to go on TV and make a decison, while millions of people watch? Who cares....