No Chubbies.
I know a very big clue to a lot of whats about to happen is music in this series. Anything to do with certain characters or events have to do with music. I remember when the Oceanic Six where trying to get back to the Island and they met with the old lady (forget her name) and as they are going down the elevator or whatever I heard a Dharma Musical Cue and Called at DHARMA INITIATIVE and my friend called bullshit, sure enough, a Dharma Station.
I don't see Juliette with Jack. Am i right in assuming everything that happened PRE-OCEANIC 815 still happened? Did Jacob still intervene in certain moments in the Oceanic 815ers? because if so, given the above is true, wouldn't Jack still have his other wife?
Never mind I just contradicted my own statement in that Locke is married to that one Al Bundy's Wife.
I love this show
The parallel universe has it's deferences, but in the end Destiny rules the day.
It is Locke's FATE to be crippled, Christan to have died in Sydney, Jack to have saved Charlie's life, Kate to run, Hugo to win the lottery, Claire to raise her baby and Sayid to be a killer. You just can't fight your FATE.
The Flash sideways are suppose to illustrate what would have happened had Jacob nd the island never interfered with their lives.
I think Jacob is not a "Jesus" type of figure, he has a job to do and he gets it done, largely by whatever means necessary, including manipulation. Including choosing to save someone and letting someone die to help serve his purpose.
On the island everyone is forced to choose sides or basically become good or evil. In the end it will be about the Losties saying no to both Smokey and Jacob sides. No more of this control and manipulation, it becomes about the human race "growing up" deciding their own destiny.
In the end Smokey will be taken out via a long con from Sawyer. Jacob will then saying to Jack, that he is now responsible for protecting the island. Jack hesitates, sick of the manipulation, sick of the death, the island through a manifestation (maybe Christian) telling Jack that he can chose to end the island, end the manipulation and control, let the human race figure it out for themselves. The cost will be that the island is destroyed, this reality will be destroyed and that they (humans) will be on their own. Jack can do this through the turn of the wheel, the wheel turning backwards.
A determined Jack thinks about the deaths of his friends, and turns that wheel, a flash of light, we then see some images from the "flash sideways" of all of our characters how they are now "living" life in the parallel universe. The final image for me is then of Jack with his son.
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