I already see holes but that's the game and it's always going to be that way. I do think it's interesting
how you note "improvement" within the interactions between the ball carrier and defenders during Harvin's kick return.
"We Know in Madden 25 usually when there's a double hit tackle the second guy, or the first guy rather, usually gets blown off or thrown off when impact is made. Look at what happens here, they stay more connected and they all kind of fall in a more realistic fashion. hmmm, interesting."
The reason I think it's interesting is because you yourself have slowed the video down to detail something that isn't actually there.
Primarily the funniest thing in this interaction is it involved a certain Navarro Bowman, the player who first made contact with Harvin, who is listed on the 49er's official website at 242 pounds. The second player involved, #51 Dan Skuta, is listed at 250 pounds. The last 49er involved is #49, Fullback Bruce Miller, who is listed on the 49ers official website at 6-2 248 pounds. And Finally you have William Percival Harvin III, who is listed on the Seattle Seahawks official website at
184 pounds.
We've got 740 lbs in 49er's colors running down hill full speed and the 184 pound Seattle player falls forward. Bowman makes first contact and after the second defender makes contact his role in this play is neutralized. He does exactly what you say they "used" to do in Madden 25, which is fall on his ass and more or less get "blown off" by Harvin. even with Bowman making first contact and his hit playing the "cleanup" role, #51 Dan Skuta falls backwards hanging on for dear life. And finally, our fullback Bruce Miller runs into Harvin as well but makes no attempt to tackle and rolls off of Harvin in explosive fashion.
Football is a game of inches, this is conventional wisdom. You slowing this down and noting that this interaction is a "good" thing couldn't be further from the truth. Rather, this is a better example of a seriously damning issue within this game, which is the fact it still does not respect momentum, player weight, strength, and ability. It is just simply not possible for a 184 pound man to fall forward when he has 740 pounds coming at him.
This is an ugly interaction that does not respect progression (Bowman still falls on his ass and is no part of the play), Physics (740 vs 184), or the game (one of inches).
I could point out other things but it's not fair to do that based off of three plays from a game that may not be completed (but probably is) and is being played on a lower difficulty.
I guess we can que the generic cliché responses of "three year build", "it's getting better", "wait until next year" now.