1. Defensive Assignments (as previously mentioned)
2. Given a certain PB, the ability to to have manual substitutions for certain formations and sets before the game. (as previously mentioned) This could lead to a greater importance of depth players. IE pass rush specialists, 2 down LBs vs 3 down LBs, etc
3. For CFM, sort of goes with a "Game Prep" theme, before the game obviously, the showing of your upcoming opponent's tendencies (run: outside left, middle, outside right / Pass: Short, Intermediate, Deep, Left, Middle, Right ATTs/Completions). This should make games more interesting as it may direct (or misdirect) focus on areas of tendencies. (I remember this being a feature in Online Play.)
4. For CFM, game prep wise, an option for a full fledged practice that could give all players XP on a tiered basis (slow = 250 XP, Normal = 400 XP, Fast = 650 XP, Star = 800 XP) maybe cross matched with how long the player has been in the league: rookies, 2nd, 3rd years get more; 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th year guys get an average amount; 8th+ years guys get less. Which coincides with you get much more, development wise, out of practice for younger guys than for older guys obviously. This could be in addition to game prep where you can focus hours on individual player(s) or for confidence. Also the practice mode allows CFM owners to actually practice with their CFM team.
5. Defensive Assignments
6. For CFM, an APP that allows you to advance the league (for commish), make roster moves (ie release, trade, trade block), optional notifications of league rosters moves, trades, when a team puts someone on a trade block, scores, week advanced, Players of the week, etc. (Along with the ability to opt in or out of certain notifications, IE some may want to know of trades and trade blocks, but not every time a team releases someone). Not a web portal, an app.
7. For CFM, allow the commish to award a SIM WIN for a team
8. For CFM, OC, DC, ST coordinators that even possibly have some sort of advantage/weakness as far as development. (OC John Smith has + ATTR development/ - ATTR development ) things of that sort. This would allow teams to tailor development to what they deem to be important to their scheme.
9. For CFM, Give all teams the raw combine numbers, pro day numbers, but still have us need to "scout" all other attributes.
10. For CFM, Restricted Free Agents