No, as I said, the rushing touchdowns are too low. I don't know if only 8 for AP is going to be a regular occurrence, but he told me straight out he couldn't fix it.
The sim engine run a simulated game in the background... plays are chosen based on the team's profile. He can tweak certain aspects of it, but for some reason, players just don't seem to get into the endzone on goalline runs very often. Of those 8, I'd bet 6 or 7 of them were 5+ yard runs. It's a weakness in the sim engine. Rather than tweak it this year, they made it as serviceable as they could as-is, and are apparently going to rebuild it using SuperSim next year (SuperSim is a much more dynamic, in depth, and controllable sim engine... I'm not sure if it's more accurate this year than the basic sim engine, but I'm pretty sure Josh implied it'd be the basis of next years sim engine because he wasn't happy with how little he was able to work with in the old one.).