After falling victim to the number one flaw in all female video game character romances, Cdr. Jay Shepard's next mission was to go to Noveria.
AKA The Space
Umbrella Corporation Planet that also serves as the Universe's Largest Ice Cream Freezer.
While you could play the entire game either as a pure Paragon (shop discounts ahoy) or a royal asshole Renegade, this is the one place that I've seen that requires you to play a shade of gray.
Everyone wanted something, whether it was smuggling illegal goods or steal information or even old-fashioned coercion... it came down to the man in the Spectre Uni to get things done.
As it turns out, I managed to get a top employee that was in the process of being prosecuted by his boss to snitch on said boss for skimming off the top.
In return, his testimony and the info I got for him (as well as the corrupt off-duty space cops I annihilated along the way) led to the conviction a local I.A. needed.
Free garage pass for me in the end and a pat on the back for my troubles.
Still, the place reeks of corruption and evil that isn't going to go away anytime soon and the Normandy doesn't (or won't until ME2) have the payload to glass the planet so no one can continue their secret experiments, etc.
Fortunately, I know a guy who knows a guy who can get me an orbital strike from the Space
Umbrella Corporation just in case I need it.
Which might be soon.