couple things, by going so hard against Mayweather you're defending the headbutt which was worse than the left hook after the ref restarted the fight, one was illegal, one was not
it's not MMA, so drop that comprasion, in boxing there isnt all this hugging, slapping hands stuff, in boxing you touch at the start and MAYBE the last round, Ortiz hugs him, glove tapped, than went in for another hug or 2, ref started it and he got popped
After the first hug and the glove tap it should have been on, Ortiz threw a jumping headbutt, headbutts are worse than low blows in boxing, they cause cuts and stop fights, it was a dirty dirty move than he went overboard on the hugs and kisses which is abnormal behavior for boxing
I think Mayweather should have stopped after the left hook, but oh well, Ortiz went against the main rule and it is said before every fight, 'protect yourself at ALL times', especially after a flagrant headbutt
anyway, this works out better for Ortiz this way, it was going to be another maywather snooze win and ortiz would be forgotten, now he is talked about more than ever, if you know ortiz's past, he is somewhat of a headcase, he wasnt ready for this fight in this setting
like I said, 2 cheap shots, mayweather just did it better