Since Gilbert Melendez reads MiddleEasy daily, I'm going to us this intro to wish him luck in his upcoming fight with some mysterious undisclosed opponent on May 19th in San Jose, California. I also would like to apologize for spilling a shot of Jaggermeister on your arm about a year ago in San Jose at a post-fight after-party. When it happened, you victoriously raised your hands and responded with a 'Yeaaah!'. I understand you used a loud scream to mask the anger you felt at my mishap, but in your future after-party in San Jose in a couple months, you can spill a shot of Jaggermeister on my arm and we'll be even. You can even scream 'Yeaaah!' directly in my ear and I won't do anything about it. Even if I could do something about it, I would physically be incapable of doing something about it.
LayzieTheSavage caught up with the Strikeforce champion (considered by some the number one lightweight in the world) and just sort of conducted an informal and relaxed interview. Gilbert also disclosed that while he will be fighting May 19th, it will most likely not be against Josh Thomson. He knows who his opponent will be, but hewon't tell us. Bummer.
rumor is it's Pettis