VSN Poster of the Year
The Cardinals may be one game from the World Series, but they overcame the disadvantage, so what can you do?
HUH? What "disadvantage" did the Cardinals have to overcome? Disadvantage #1 would have been for them not to even make the playoffs, as a non-division winner with the 12th best record in baseball. Disadvantage #2 would have been for them to have played an actual series against the Braves, not a one game crapshoot where anything can happen (usually bad umpiring). Disadvantage #3 would have been for the Cardinals to beat a 10-game superior Nationals team 4 times in a 7-game series. As it stood, the Cardinals had to win 4 games to advance 2 rounds in the postseason. Compared to the NFL postseason, that would be like team playing well for the 1st quarter of a playoff game and most of the 2nd quarter.