Call of Duty isn't as fast as it is easy.
I'm going to pick another beef with it. How many times have you seen someone rolling with a setup similar to this:
Silenced AK74U or silenced assault rifle
With a setup like that, how many people just pick a corner, place the claymore in front of them and wait. And wait. And stay in the same two spots the entire game.
Are they successful? Yeah.....they are breaking even with their kill ratio, probably getting a bit over 1.00 each map too.
I'll tell you guys one each Call of Duty game the people who I play with have filled out rooms with our friends multiple times. You will not see that type of player in our rooms, and the matches are great.
Ever since the advent of online shooters, no one likes a camper. Call of Duty actually seems like it supports it, so much that I sometimes refer to it as Camp of Duty. The ONLY time someone should be camping in a game like Call of Duty is if they are playing the role of a sniper, because, you know, a sniper actually is supposed to camp. As I mentioned in a post earlier, MW2 couldn't even get that right with people "no scoping."